Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Need help again... females only please.?

I have been on yahoo answers many times in the last few days about the same situation. I asked this girl out on Thursday over facebook(which yes i know was a bad idea) to the movies over the weekend but she had things to do, so i asked for a rain check or if she just meant plain out no and she said i could "possibly" have one if she isn't overwhelmed with homework and i have not answered back for fear of being pushy and losing any chance of a date, I also gave her my phone number and she didn't call or text. So i have come on here and have asked many times if she anybody thinks is interested, and still I'm clueless, I feel as if i am being over obsessive(reading into things too much mostly) because I want to know if she is or not. I don't want to be too pushy and just ask her straight up if she is interested but the anticipation of any answer is killing me. I see her a few times a day in ping and only once with time to actually talk, but it is homeroom and it is too early in the morning so I can't voice what i want to say to her and we both know too many people im there and i don't want it to be an embarring for either of us.(and I totally fell asleep in there for most of it today and exams start tomorrow so there isn't any time to talk) My question to you is how should I find out if she is really interested and how can i go about getting a definite answer without being pushy and losing my chances with her? Be as honest as possible cause if she isn't interested, although it wouldn't be as desirable, is still an answer and will help me try to stay her friend instead of anything more. Thanks and the more answers the better I think, so please answer.

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