Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Need to relocate and need to leave my job?

My husband was going to be laid off and luckily found a new job. Unfortunately, since he makes more money, we need to move to be closer to his new position (which is a state away). That being said, I went to my company to see what my options would be. I'm in very good standing, was on the brink of a promotion, and was requesting (I'm a writer) a work from home position. My boss doesn't like the idea of people working remotely and also thinks our group might be struggling financially. Therefore, letting me go might help the group out. However, I can't go without having a paycheck and in this economy I'm not sure when I can find another position. That being said, can I ask them to lay me off so I can collect unemployment? Are there any other options? I can still fulfill the job, they just refuse to work with me based on the fact that it's really perfect timing for them since they would have potentially had to lay someone off in my group soon anyways.

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