Thursday, August 11, 2011

What are the similarities between climategate and the acorn scandal?

i see a lot of parallels between this situation and the acorn scandal: #1. remember the acorn scandal was not started by 60 minutes or any goverment organiztion, it was actually started by two kids who went into the office pretending to be a pimp and a prostitute who wanted help laundering money and getting a government home loan that they could run a brothel out of. climategate wasn't brought about by any media expose or government watchdog group, someone hacked a computer and leaked the information to the internet. #2. the acorn scandal was kept hidden by all of the major networks except fox. but spread like wildfire on the internet. climategate has been kept off all the major networks except fox. but it is all over the internet. in fact climategate, a word that has only been around for a week, has ped global warming as far as google hits. a href="…" rel="nofollow"…/a similarity #3. is that people started distancing themselves from acorn once all the bad publicity hit. the democrats that were their best buddies three weeks earlier were now calling acorn criminals and breaking all public ties with them. that has already started here. al gore was scheduled to speak in copenhagen at the UN climate convention on dec 15. where he was to give a speech on climate change and promote his new book about global warming called ''our choice''. after climategate broke he cancelled the speech claiming ''schedule conflicts''. ha. i would guess he got the facts for his new book about global warming from the tainted CRU data, and he doesn't want to be tied into the mess. #4(and my personal favorite). when the acorn scandal first came out the liberals and that it would all blow over for acorn. and i get great personal joy out of saying acorn is in deep sh*t and it's not going away. they have been cut off from all government funding and attorney generals in several states are putting together cases against them. just like i said then(about ACORN) i am saying now about climategate. cru and the global warming theory is going to be severely damaged by climategate. that this is not going to go away quietly. does anyone else see any similarities between the two scandals?

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