Thursday, August 18, 2011

Does anyone know when Judas Rabbi will have reached HIS goal in Yahoo?

Who is Judas Rabbi ---I don't know him ---i don't even know that everyone has to have a goal in yahoo ---so sorry i am so dumb and cannot read minds of persons like Judas ---do tell me when you come to know a)what his goal was ?b)who is he?c)what is yahoo's goal?d)name of person who knew it except Judas ?

Did Chris Benoit really kill his family?

I wish I knew the answer to this question, but to tell you the truth, it hurts to think about it. After Bret Hart retired, I was a die hard Chris Benoit fan. This guy could not talk like John Cena, had a monster look like Batista, or dominate office politics like HBK and HHH, but the man could do one thing... HE COULD WRESTLE. So to find out this guy may have killed his wife and 7 year old son breaks my heart. I'm so upset Chris Benoit is dead. And even more upsetting is that he may have killed people before it. I don't think I can ever watch wrestling after this. Chris Benoit was what I thought was good about the business, now I find out that my hero may have been nothing more than a murderer and a coward. And oh yeah, Vince likes faking his deaths on TV.

Should we buy a house with empty lots next door??

My husband is being deterred from buying a newer home because it has empty lots and many of the homes in the neighborhood are still for sale. We live in Michigan where housing is at an all time low, is this a legit concern? Do you/have you loved with empty lots next door. How long? Did nobody else buy the houses in the neighborhood? What happens if no one ever buys the property? Can we have the option eventually to buy it at a low cost? If the builder goes bankrupt how does that effect the people who have moved into a completed home?

Biggest NFL draft bust of all time?

I'l go with Reggie Bush simply because he was so good in college even people here in Texas said he was going to be better than Barry Sanders. There was so much hype it's unbelievable. I never thought he would be successfull in the NFL. And I was right. He went from people saying he was going to be better than Barry Sanders to being a back up. Sure he has talent but he's wasted it, and has not been nearly as productive as expected. Sheesh even Marion Barber is better than him and Marion Barber SOCKS!

Can someone PLEASE help me on the Golden Comp DS, chatper 5!?

The monkey, which you have to kill, well defeat, is proving very hard, I tried dropping dozens of blocks on it's head but it wont go down. Any info on this chapter will be well appreciated, thanks, ollie_12.

Homework History Help.... i will not forget the 10 points for the best awnser?

Here's how it works, kid. No one gave me the answers. I did ny own work and graduated. Now it's your turn. You can't cheat your way through life.

When do you know when PJ Collie is having rare clothing specials?

I really like webkinz, and I heard about the new rare things that PJ Collie has. But how do I know when she is selling them. Please help!

Six-week muffin batter?

We used to have recipe for muffin batter that kept in the fridge for up to six weeks. It included ermilk, oranges (& maybe orange peel?), raisins (or craisins), and bran. I think there may actually have been two kinds of bran in it, definitely the kind you eat as brekfast cereal but also some other bran you add hot water to before using it in the recipe. Have looked and looked and looked, can't find the recipe anywhere!!!

Why doesnt any one were puma i love that store its so cool?

I wear Puma shoes! I love them because they're so comfy and can go with so much. I also like how they have more fashion-y shoes so they aren't just sports shoes.

How lightening occurs (basics like how cloud forms & how opp. charges form)? Why it strikes to earth?

what is the current carrying capacity of GI Strip (50X6) that is used for discharging of lightening? I want to know during lightening will this GI strip will not burn out when such a huge current flow through it.Also in our chimney (275M Height), we have used 70 Sq mm Cu conductor (cirferential ) at the top, why we have select 70 sq mm size, will it not be burn out or why not bigger size?

Predict the Knicks starting lineup in 2010.?

The only way that lineup may field for "any" team is in Fantasy Basketball. NO way it happens for real on the court.

Rabbit help (IMMEADIETLY)?

The baby is too small to have babies if it is a doe and he was most likely showing dominance over the new bunny.

Will this be able to run Oblivion on full?

well yes it should run this game. and if your not sure just compare the specifications of the game to the specifications of your computer

Taurus males..does this count as betrayal?

not at all hes just jealous you got a guy and he didn't make his move on you yet he must like you a lot to be mad

Does anyone believe what I do about the NBA playoffs? Read details below?

Ive watched the playoffs very close this year and in years past. Ive noticed obvious patterns. Series extending futher then they should or teams winning due to one sided calls by the refs and teams playing horrible most of a game when that should never happen except for stretches here and there not the entire game(hence bostons win in Det Sun night)....Hence Kings Lakers game 6 western conference finals in 2002 for refs calls going for the lakers and against the kings! Keep in mind its normally the later rounds where more of this stuff happens. I also notice key players dont play nearly as hard one playoff game then they play very hard an entire game(like they always should). The key players not playing hard and making stupid plays r what causes their team to lose. I believe the NBA is corrupt ....think about it...extended series mean the owners make more money which means the key players get paid more....I believe its bogus. Its ratings and big money for key players owners GMS etc.

Does anybody have a diagram of a valve body for a 1991 plymouth voyager 3 speed automatic transmission?

you can go to a local dealer give the partsguy the last nine of the vin and ask for a print out of the valve body diagram

How bad is Kevin Love?

He looks so bad right now, and my T-Wolves got so screwed in that trade. My boy OJ Mayo ends up in Memphis and the T-Wolves got nothing for it except creating cap room. So I'm just wondering how bad everyone else thinks Kevin Love will be?

Easy projectile motion problem, plz help?

A rock is thrown with an initial velocity of 25 m/s at 53� above the horizontal from the top of a cliff 100 m high. Find the velocity on hitting the ground.

Can my commander remove an important claus from my military contract? If not possible, what can i do?

My contract has a non-mobile for two years, i am still in my first year of that contract, i gave up 20k to get those put in my contract so i can go to school, but my commander just removed it completely

Its a very simple question someone asked me, i couldn't answer?

Microscopes are incapable of this level of magnification. The photon and the electron (light and electron microscopes) are too large to give a picture of what you are wanting to see. Atomic mapping is done mathematically (look up the Schrodinger Equation). I'm not sure what problems with the universe you are talking about. I can tell you this, String theory and Brane Theory are two completely separate things, and the proof of one is contrary to the other in many respects. The string theory is not talking about actual strings, either. It is a way of describing behavior (i.e. energy moving through a guitar string when it is plucked and the existence of the other strings on the guitar). The two also seek to give some account of the existence of parrallel universes. They are only theories, not laws, and neither is proven. String theory suggests that a particle (an electron specifically) has the ability to be two places at the same time. I think this shows that there is something inherently wrong with the theory and the math driving it. A function is no longer a function if, for a given dependent variable, the exists two independent values. Hope this helps. Tell the nephew to keep thinking. This is how new theories are formulated. Hopefully, he can come up with something better.

Easy ten points........................…

We know that the interior angles of a pentagon add to 540, so each individual angle is 108. Because the lines in the pentagram (the star) are lines, we can use complimentary angles to find that one base angle of the isoceles triangle is 72. That means the other base angle is 72. When you add them together, you get 144. Now we know that a triangle has 180 degrees of total angles, so 180-144 is 36. So y=36.

Does anyone have a picture of Leonardo dicaprio's eyes in titanic?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

What song can I perform in ASL for the talent show?

My friends and I are paticipating in a talent show in March but we must start preparing now. We all know American Sign Language and wanted to sign a song or a few songs in the show. One catch though= the songs must be funny or related to humor..for example: hot and cold- katy know just anything that us girls can do...It would be so good if we could have a song with all us girls kind of up on a boys face(we have a guy signer)...I dont know...But please help me!! lol..maybe you know a good song we can do??

Why do people think its funny when i do this to my ex too?

when i get really really hammerd and tex her sayingshe needs ''less yoga, more treadmill'' and i told her she snores like a gorilla

HOF Cl of 2010. . . any ideas?

Danny Lopez was a warrior. He looked like a scrawny wimp however if you knocked him down he would get up and kill you. How about Ray Mancini. I agree he is not that good but Barry Mcguigan is in and he held the title for shorter a year compared to Rays two years.

Anyone know any spooky stories?

Decide on how you want the story to end. Then decide how that could happen given your story line. Write down the the things you think of, and try to work them into some sort of logical order until you have a basic outline for your story. Then start to flesh it out.

PLEASE easy Q, tell me ur opinion! (10 points)?

Give your brother the wallet and give the watch to ur bf as its more personal. Get it engraved on the back with a message congratulating him on his graduation.

I am so embarred should I just drop out?

I had just finnished lunch at school and I had to poop really bad but I thought I could hold it so I just went to cl. But when I sat in my desk I REALLY had to poop, so I got up to leave but my teacher didnt let me, so I went back to my desk. My stomach was hurting and growling really bad, and I was trying so hard not to fart or anything. I had been sitting for about ten minutes, but to me it felt like a whole freakin period, I just had to poop soooo badly. The only thing keeping me from farting or crapping my pants was me sitting down cause it helped me squeeze my cheeks. But my teacher made me get up and write something on the board, and when I got up, I farted.. At first, It was just all airy, then it started to sound all wet and that was when this foul odor filled the whole room. Some people were gagging and others were lauging. I just ran out of the room crying. And when I ran to the bathroom to check my pants, I saw a little nugget. I had to use some toilet paper and take it out, and I just when the went day smelling like crap. people kept mocking me the WHOLE day. And my friends wont talk to me. I want to drop out so bad, should I? :(

Who won miss universe 2007??i think is possible win mexico guatemala or egypt but whats your opinion?

Miss China is very friendly and well liked. it is better for a person to be beautiful on the inside, rather than on the outside. Believe me, i used to think that going out with a beautiful girl will be the most important quality but i was wrong. Most of the girls competing are shallow, stuck up and very vain. i am going for a lady who is more beautiful on the inside. To me, that is the true Miss Universe.

My kitten has brown stuff on its nose it looks like boogers?

I have asked this question before but no-one has replied and really wanted to know, what is it and how shall i get rid off it, it is not sneezing and doesnt act funny and the booger ind of thigs are gone a little bit bigger than before, CAN SOMEONE REALLY TELL ME WHAT IT IS????

Chad Pennington or Kerry Collins? Chad Henne or Vince Young?

Pennington, Collins had a defense, to prevent other from scoring, when he could not move the team! Vince Young was a Big 12 QB, name one more Big 12 QB, besides Chris Simms, and we know he is on a team because of his dads, past history! Vince Young is not smart enough, nor does he have the requisite skills to play the position at an adequate level

How do you get out of a dark place?

so I am now on my 9th major foot operation and in bed for the next 5 weeks,in just two weeks I have been to the hospital twice for pain control,been sick to my stomach,have dropped contact with 3 friends and have experienced more heartache than I know what to do with...My life is coming apart before my eyes due to another female,somebody my man just can't control himself enough to stay away from,I have forgotten what it's like to live happy...How do I get out of this dark place that I am in,I just want to sleep and cry right now and no amount of sleeping pills is helping me...

WWE regrets releasing Mickie James?

I don't think they regret it,Since WWE has never and will never give a rat @ss about the diva's division,So i doubt they regret it.I'm sure they feel like Idiots due to timing but they can always get somebody from Raw and when Melina comes back,she can help the void until Beth returns,So Them Regretting it?Nah.

What is Lyon silk worth?

I recently bought a scarf at a thrift store, because I loved the pattern of early 20th century (maybe late or mid 19th century) profiles waiting at the Porte Maillot. I discovered the tag, which is hanging by a mere thread said " marque syndicale d�pos�e des fabricants des soieries et tissus de lyon" which according to the google translator means "registered trademark of ociation of manufacturers of silk fabrics and lyon". I'm just wondering the true value of the scarf.. It's in okay condition, I also would like to know how to care for it and how to fix the tag without people thinking I might have just placed it on there. Now I'm not asking this in wanting to sell it, I'm just curious to see if I bought it at a good price ( about $2.25)?

Why are the wealthy in America so insensitive to the problems of the poor?

I've seen this over and over--it especially amazes me with someone like John Boehner, who came from humble roots, worked hard, and was a self-made man. It seems like you reach a certain level of prosperity and you think everyone can just pull themselves up by their own bootstraps, including the sick, the elderly, and the unemployed. Not all poor people are welfare "bums"--I love the the opportunity and freedom in this country, but even with hard work, not everyone can be a millionaire. I don't understand how rich people are clueless on how hard the average American struggles to survive.

What are some other songs like None Shall P by Aesop Rock?

I love that kind of rap that's really chill and kinda laid back sounding if that makes any sense. A lot like None Shall P by Aesop Rock or My Position by Freddie Bruno. Do you know of any? I also prefer clean-ish songs. Like I don't mind swearing but I hate that Ill Bill type stuff

Can you miscarry and not know it?

I wouldn't worry quite yet. It's actually pretty common for the doppler to not pick up a heart beat. For some women it's really difficult. A lot of times a doctor will schedule an ultrasound to check the heart rate if the doppler doesn't work. It'll be much easier to find the heart beat in later months - 11 weeks is still pretty early. I got lucky and they found mine right away at 10 weeks. But before my appointment I watched some videos of women doing it on youtube and for some of them it took over twenty minutes for the nurse to find it. I know it's got to be scary not hearing it, but try to relax - a lot of women have been through the same scenario and their baby was fine. And if you still have you pregnancy symptoms - that most likely means everything is fine as well. If the doctor thought something was wrong - you'd know. Don't worry - it's just a little early for your little one yet.

Is this right? In English it's KORAN not Quran, Q'uran, Qu'ran or any other abomination of theEnglish Languag

Had to turn it into a question to satisfy technicalities, but Hey, People, in English it is KORAN, has been for centures. Don't sucb to their campaign to trick us into following their directives. Remember: KORAN, not Q'uran. OK?

Why are brad pitt's eyebrows inverted?

I don't know. But that's probably not the only thing inverted since he's roomed with Angelitter! LOL

How much does it cost to become an LLC?

I want to open my own recruiting business from my home office, but will not have any employees to keep track of (Maybe later). I am wondering what it costs, normally, for to become an LLC.

What is an easy piano song to learn?

i want it to be like "a river flows in you" aka edwards lullaby but not that difficult. i just want it to be like a ballad or a lullaby. any suggestions?

Why don't more conservatives and Republicans vote for people like?

The "Answer" is in the definition of "Conservative". Read THAT definition, & then compare it with most of the people YOU know- & see how many of them it "fits"... :)

Has Mickie ever made a tape with Phil Brooks?

they arent dating i dont think plus phil brooks has that stright edge thing so he wudnt just sleep with her

I tripped on a badly sunken pavement Wednesday evening,,,can i claim compensation?

i was walkin my dog and tripped on a sunken pavement..about 2" deep....I went to hospital, have bruised my knees, hurt my shoulder and broken my ankle....Should I make a compensation claim, and if so, how!? how much would I be expected to be paid out, or would it just a waste of time...I was supposed to start a new job on Monday, so all this is so upsetting to me.

If my boyfriend goes to jail would it be fair if he told me ro wait for him?

My boyfriend isnt a criminal it has something to do with a driving accident but he clarified that he may go to jail for 5 years cause it may have been his fault. Were both young. Hes 17 & im 16. I love him dearly & it would kill me iff ge did go to jail cause i would feel it was my fault. Do to the fact he was talking to me. He asked me iff i would wait & i said yes. He asked me again cause in the past i made a mistake & cheated but i was truely sorry & am ready to commit. Should i wait? Please help

Depression/Drug Abuse/Psychotic?/Schizophrenic… UNSTABLE, help me?

a href="" rel="nofollow"http://www.emotionalintelligencecentral.…/a go to this website...teaches about emotional intelligence which i wish i would've have learned when I was your age. Good Luck!!

Walmart Woman's Huffy cruiser bike?

If I buy this bike will it fall apart on me? Its 89.99, so it isn't crazy expensive for a bike. I plan to only ride this bike on paved surfaces. Are Walmart bikes good enough for casual bikers? I mainly want to use it for recreation.

Christians, A question from Romans Chapter 11, verse 33-36.?

The answer to both questions is, nobody. God is all-knowing and all-powerful. No one can know the mind of the Lord. Being his counselor would mean you are greater than Him and no one is that (you don't ask for counsel from someone you consider inferior to you, do you?).

Why are women attracted to men who frequent women. I learned that keeping a network of platonic female friends

whom I do not get serious with are kind of like the essential liquid in a pump, they keep the flow of women coming. Why is it women are attracted to men who are around women ?

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Im wondering is this hereditary? ?

My boyfriends use to have seizures when he was age 3-14 he is 24 now do you think this would be hereditary? I'm 35 weeks and 2 days.

Computer Sound problems! Please help?

check the device manager, then try to uninstall the driver for the sound card, then restart your computer, then installed and updated version of the driver, you can found that on the website of the manufacturer of your computer or if you have a disk,

Chronicles of Narnia?

No offense but some people dont like when other people tell them the end of movies.I suggest editing your questio to "End of Chronicles of Narnia:Prince Caspian?" Thanks

((BOOKS)) Anyone else completely in love with Felix Harrowgate?

ok so i realize you said not to answer if we dont know who Felix is, but Im going to post anyways. I would actually like to know who felix is. Whats the book/series? Maybe I'd like to read it....then I can tell you whether or not I "luuuv" Felix too.

What happened to Kelly Clarkson? (details below)?

I've heard some weird sh*t about it..cancelling her "My December" summer tour..did she have some kind of breakdown? some controversial picture she has..i have to know..something about her single "Never Again" doing sh*t on the music charts and made her upset or something? Help with this is appreciated.

Why is football gear so much bigger for kids?

my kid looks weird with his huge football gear. why would people make the pads so much more reinforced for kids?

10. Thomas Malthus predicted which of the following?

IV is definitely out of the question since Malthus umed decreasing marginal returns. Pick D. "Malthus predicted" is a little misleading in this question. But d is definitely the best choice.

Do you think that there is desperation in Yankee Land?

What do you think they will do to try to rectify the ever-growing problems? Maybe get different trainors??? Hmmmm. Too many injuries with the old trainors dont you think?

Please advise if there are any grammatical errors in these sentences?

The members of the group actually have their own power in running this business. The power is the experience of them in processing fish. They are united, trust each other, and have the self confidence that their business will be successful. Their working spirit is very high. There is also a gathering place where they can share with one another.

Love problem. lol. :(?

hey, i think he loves you....and you just ask him frankly about this. hope that you will get a favourable rweply... all the best. any way Congratulations in advance...

How do i burn a movie i downloaded from ares ultra?

i purchased a lifetime membership on ares ultra for personal use only. i finally figured out how to download both movies and songs. now the hard part, how do i burn a movie and songs onto ?DVD - or + R? or CD ??. If anyone knows, I would love 'detailed' directions. thanks

Can people in the northern hemisphere see the Southern Cross? and if so is the pattern the same?

Yes, on both counts, from anywhere south of about 27 degrees north. Now is a good time of year to see it.

What is in the gaps outside bodily organs(intestines,etc)?

Within an abdominal or chest cavity, what fluids fill any spaces outside of the organs? Is it blood or is it something else?

Some begginner songs for guitar?

I'm into system of a down, foo fighters, queens of the stone age, deftones. All sorts really. I have literally just started playing guitar, but apperently i'm picking up quite quick. I'm a drummer and i pianist, but want to expand my musical knowledge. So can anybody give me a good but easy song for the guitar, i'll watch on youtube and try to play along or something. When i say easy, i mean pretty straight forward, i'm trying to learn 'dear prudence' by the beatles. Is'nt go to well to be honest.

Boxing Memorabilia : What kind of price would you pay for this ?

I have been offered a beautiful piece of Boxing memorabilia, it is a glove that is beautifully boxed and framed, it has about 30 signatures on it including over 20 World champs including such greats who have sadly ped away such as Willie Pep, Floyd Patterson and Archie Moore it and also other greats such as Hagler, Frazier, Arguello, Canto, Ortiz, Griffith, Pryor and Trinidad it is apparently a piece from the boxing hall of fame and has the relevant certificates and photos, not sure what price i would put on this item though, i am looking for some estimates from my fellow boxing answerers if possible, thanks.

Romeo and Juliet Sonnet critique and help with 2 lines?

can you give me some background on the sonnet? is it a rewrite or a different plot? who is speaking, tybalt? im a little confused

What's the song name by Korn?

Okay, so there are 2 song names that I know that are the same song by Korn. They Are: 1. Are You Ready and 2. Blind. They are the same songs just different names. What one is the actual name for that song?

I need someone to tell me the following information.?

Conversano, Neapolitano, Favory and Pluto were lipizzaners. Niatross is a standardbred (my parents were there when he was born and helped named him). The rest of the names don't ring a bell.

When does menopause happen?

So at what age does menopause occur, and do you still get your period during and after?? Everyone gets it right? If I took out one of my ovaries would it happen sooner and would I get less periods? Thanks

Best at every skill position? Do you agree? Why or why not?

you should put another olb because there are 2. a sam and a will. so for sam, it would be chad greenway and i would put lawrence taylor for weak side.

Who is the artist behind this song?

The artist is J-Punch and the song is temple. Here is a youtube link to the song just to be sure it is the right one: a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Car accident in my neighborhood?

2 days ago there was a car accident in my hood( I call it this becuase the police are in here once every week or two) and the car pooled up in a drive way backed up hit there 700 dollar brick mail box left then hit another 700 brick mailbox going about 45MPH and ran in there yard but then left, two people hoped in there cars and another called the police. Then when they got to the car end of the street he turned around cause they surrounded him and the lady left and ran and the police cuaght her. When the two deputies and state trooper arrived they only gave him tickets and towed the car away. Then the trooper called the other guy about his mailbox and said nothing about them leaving the scene told them he walked up to the guys door and told him about the incident. The police officer lied to the guy at the other house cause he was on vacation. I was wondering if the officer should have put the man an woman in jail thanks. We are probably moving this summer. 10 points for B/A

On the Steve Harvey Show...?

No, Steve Harvey can't play the sax. Did you know Romeo from that show died in a drive-by shooting really sad, he was hot!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Prison break..season one?

the story is based around the murder of the vice presidents brothers murder....vice president would be madam why in one scene in episode 9,does she talk to veronica about the death of her husband> thought it was her brother?

Why would Sri Lanka ever ask our peoples to give up our distinct and unique native languages?

i somewhat know how you feel. people from all over the U.S. hate the way Southerners speak. It is a unique accent and now our schools try to 'teach the students how to speak properly'. What alot of people don't realize is that we southerners don't always use words to communicate. we use 'sounds' and body language together to say certain things. It's how we are made. I refuse to change. I'm proud of my Southern heritage. If folks don't like it, they can leave the area!!!

What is the major government of Latin America? Also, what is the major government of Middle East & N. Africa?

The choices are Democracy, Theocracy, Dictatorship, Aristocracy, Communism, Autocracy, Monarchy, or Oligarchy. Please respond ASAP! :) Thanks.

...Government WASTE ! "Barry" just flew to Coopenhagen on A.F.One and his wife on a separate A.F. 727?

...were told to be frugal and conserve energy, were admonished to drive less and pollute less... but "Barry" just burned up $1,000,000 in fuel and flight costs and his wife about the same amount because "they" traveled to the same place in separate Aircraft ! (Did you vote for this HYPOCRITE ...?)

Is it time to dump democracy and return to an Empire?

Being one of your loyal subjects in the American colonies, I say lets get started today. I am ready to be ruled by the rightful King or Queen of England and can hardly wait for that benevolent gaze that my masters will bestow on such a loyal subject.

World Revival Church in Kansas city... What do you think?

Im watching it right now on tv.. I'm a Christian and I believe in speaking in tounges etc, but I have a feeling these people are fake? I think thier more about themselves and how they can move thier hands all around rather than being about God! It saddens my heart.. Has anyone else seen it? It's on daystar tv right now

Why wont my pc start?

I'm building a computer and its arriving piece by piece i got Motherboard GA-P55A-UD3, an Intel Core i7 870 2.93GHz Quad-Core LGA1156, Cooler Master Elite 310 ATX case, and Diablotek 650-Watt ATX Power Supply PHD650. The rest of it is on its way but ive built it and it should power on but doesn't. Nothing turns on but the power led on the front of the case. I'm 100% sure i've got everything plugged in correctly.

For C programming how i can write the algorithm,flowchart n tressing for the following problm?

Compute the area n boundary of a circle given the radius 'r',if the radius => 1.0. Otherwise, your statement should compute only the cirference.

What r u thinking of Leonardo Dicaprio's movie J Edgar Hoover?

I just read that there is alot of gay kissing involving Leo Clint Eastwood is a good Director Leo is a great actor but do you think that this is going to ruin Leo forever? I have a high respect for leo not just his carrier but the all the envimental things he does I did not watch total eclipse for that reason I don't know if I can watch this either if it was anyone else I would not care.

Bowel Problems....Please help!?

I'm having trouble with bowel movements. It's like I feel like I have to go but I can't. I tried laxatives, I ate nothing what Raisin Bran for like two days straight, I've been drinking only water, etc. I've had more gas than usual, abdominal distention, major bloating (my stomach ballons to where I look pregnant.....and I've ALWAYS had a really tiny and flat stomach), weight gain (I've never gone past 124 and I'm around 130....and I haven't changed my diet). When I try to go, I get nothing, and it starts to hurt to try and force it. Or sometimes I get little pebbles. My stomach growls a lot. When I tried the laxatives (I tried 2-3 days).....I'd get REALLY intense abdominal pain. I don't know if it's from the laxatives or just in general because I've had it without the laxatives too. I'm really concerned. What could it be? What do I do?

Which was Led Zeppelin's best era: 1968-1973, 1973-1975, or 1975-1979?

1968-1973 is my favorite. Led Zeppelin I - my favorite album. Led Zeppelin II - fantastic riffs, Led Zeppelin III - way underrated, this one is great to, Led Zeppelin IV - some of their most famous songs. Also live this was their best period in my opinion; Page's solos were longer and more bluesy in this period plus Bonham's drumming was the most creative at this point.

Founder of FACEBOOK: Just a reflection of a morally and ethically bankrupt America...?

In this guys case I believe both go together, we are a morally bankrupt country, and as long as he's making money he cares little about any privacy. Personally I think this site should be shut down.

Have you ever reported anyone ...?

I have never reported anyone for offending me, as I am never offended. I have reported questions and avatars that clearly break the guidelines and/or cultural bounds of decency and good taste. Thanks for asking.

Ideas for Saturday activities for teenagers?

me (13) and my best friend (14) are hanging out today. were spending time in oakland california. What im asking is does anyone know ideas for things that we could to today that would be fun in oakland or berkeley or sumthing close to oak-town? :) were so bored and are desperate for FUN ideas.>.<

Cute affordable purses?

Hey! At my school, we carry purses around and I don't have many cute ones at all! My friends all have ones such as roxy, buckle, billabong. I was wondering if anyone knew a website to order cute purses under $50. If you do, please send me the link ASAP! Thanks!

Is SC Republican Senator Jake Knotts Bi-Polar?

Obama has attention deficit disorder. I think mental defects are caused by serving in government. Or government service attracts defective people. One or the other. Have you watched Nancy Pelosi? She reminds me of a serial killer with a frozen smile. What a wack job.

How many have read the book THE SECRET and what are your views on it. I found it enlightening.?

A lot of people say that it is dangerous thinking and that is was done for profit but after reading Napolean Hill's "Think and Grow Rich" or Wattles "The Science of Getting Rich" I find them to be the same premise. Personally I found enlightenment in this book and I think the principles are valid. WE create our own world by our thoughts? And we interpret our world by sight, hearing, and senses? And our yearning for God is a deep-felt sense of our soul within? All of this makes sense to me and when I tried making wishes with the Universe GENIE they were all answered flawlessly? Am I a freak or does this stuff work for others as well. Serious answers only please. The nuns gave me plenty of Christian doctrine so I don't need that and I might spout some back so please be cool. Be cool unto me and I will be cool unto you ! :-)

I am getting a lot of the cads popping up,,dont want them and they r nasty,, how can i rid of them?

these ads pop up at any time and i have not downloaded anything to get them,,they arre nasty and i dont like or want them,, its either called dads or cads or something,,i dont pay attention i just delete them,, i want ti rid of them once and for all...please send reply to email thanks

I cant live like this?

I wont tell my name... Am tired of my painfull life. I want to forget my past cant forget it pains alot... I tried to kill my self more then 6 or 7 times. First i took insulin i thought as i am not diabitic, ill go in coma and wont remember my past pain and loss. But takin insulin just made me thin and weak then i tried suffocate my self but i came to know that it is more hard to die like that... I cut my vein but some **** people saved me. Now i injucted air filled empty injuction in my vein as i had heard it is dangerous but nothing happening.... Help me someone i cant forget cant live like this its been 6 month of trying to forget past but.... Please i need help what should i do

Studying for my exam?

midterms are a month away but i think i should start studying a little bit... we haven't gotten study guides yet so i really don't know what and how to study. Any tips?

Why are we such sheep?

I understand what you are saying...wouldn't be nice , if people did that to us after our deaths but I don't think it is going to happen, do you?

Stretch marks...oh no?

I haven't started showing yet... I'm just under 8 weeks pregnant, but want to take every precaution i can to try and prevent stretchmarks. I unfortunately am starting to see some underneath my ...since they are getting fuller now. I'm in pretty good shape (size 6) so I know some are inevitable, but I am trying to make it as minimal as possible! Along with my prenatal I take a vitamin E capsule, and also am planning on getting Palmer's Cocoa er lotion this week to start that. Does anyone have any suggestions of what worked for them?

Help Identifying Strange Footprint.?

I live on a creek and one day my friend and I noticed footprints walking from the creek to the woods and we had never seen anything of the sort. The prints looked like human hand prints but the fingers were a bit wider and there was no pinky. Just a thumb and three wide fingers. It's a private creek and not where anyone would think to swim so it wasn't an eroded human print. I can't find any pictures of the prints online, can you identify from my description? Thanks.

If you were a "Progressive" in Iraq, would you have listened only to Baghdad Bob and skipped honest reporting?

That was pretty complicated for those US Baghdad Bob fans lol, they can't read all of that. I guess that's why they are uninformed and rely on group think over information.

What does it actually mean when momentum is conserved?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Which one emu boots or ugg boots?

what is the difference between these as i realy wont a pair but dont know which to go for cos the only difference i can see is the price

Tailbone excruciating pain!!!?

i bruised or broke my tailbone very very very bad idk when i think in the past 5-7 days and idk how i dont think i feel on anything but heres the symptoms: whenever i sit down it is THE MOST PAINFULL THING EVER to stand up and the first 1-2 minutes im up i need to just stand there and whenever i laugh cough or sneeze it is sooo excruciating pain (but not as bad as standing up) but once im up for about 2 minutes im fine and i dont feel any pain. what do u think it is? thank you and also what can i do to help it, it hurts like nothing ive broke or hurt before

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Question about Paradox's?

There a several proposed paradoxes concerning time travel, a paradox within itself is a concept not an actual thing. Still, thinking of perhaps the "Grandfather Paradox" which describes a man traveling back in time to kill his grandfather before he or his father was born. The idea is that how could he kill his grandfather when in doing so it would stop the process leading to his existence, and thus his time travel to kill his grandfather. The one proposed way that paradoxes are avoided is through the idea that time travel backwards would take you to that time in a parallel universe, thus the grandfather you kill really isn't your grandfather but the grandfather of another version of you. Essentially though, a paradox itself prevents its own happening by definition. It describes an impossible situation.

Why is Chilly Billy by Peter Mayle not being reprinted and why does a copy cost so much?

Looking for a copy of this book for my granddaughter as her dad had it when he was small, find it is costing anything from �60-�125. Why dont they republish it? It is obviously still popular

Girls, am I in trouble? (help a guy out lol)?

Unless the girl is a total b***h, she won't think your a loser because of inexperience, in fact she would probably find it cute that you've never kissed anyone before... She will probably feel special that she gets to be first. Don't stress too much, there's a first time for everything, and if she's nice at all she won't think your a loser because of it.. =]

How do you know if he loves you?

This question is really for you to answer. Do you feel it? When you kiss is there a spark? Does he give you this special feeling? Does he sacrifice things to spend time with you? These are all signs that really only you can see. By the way you describe him, he seems like a really sweet, romantic guy who's truly in love with you. Does he look you in the eyes when you talk to him? You shouldn't doubt if he loves you or not because that comes to the question, do you love him? If you really loved him you shouldn't be doubting anything. I'm almost too sure he does love you. I wish you guys an everlasting, fantastic relationship.

I can't tell if she is interested?

Hey so I met this girl through friends. We're both 16. We hung out a few weekends ago. I made the stupid mistake of getting really drunk around her and asking her to make out. (I don't remember doing that at all but supposidely I did.) I texted her apologizing and she said something on the lines of "yeah i didn't want to take advantage of you because you were drunk hahaha" We had a nice conversation. Played 20 questions, joked around about serving special brownies to the real world cast members. I didn't text her for a few days then i decided to and said "So I was thinking we should serve those special brownies to the real world this weekend haha" She never responded so I took it as a hint that she wasnt interested. It's been like a week and 1/2 and she texted me yesterday asking if i was watching the lizzie mcgurie movie cause she knows I like Hilary Duff. We had a conversation nothing serious. I just don't know if she's interested or what I should do from here. I want this to work out but I don't want to be pushy and creapy so I'm trying to keep my distance. What is your advice? Do you think she is interested at all?

Anyone else shocked at the amount of little things we took for granted that we cant do now we are pregnant?

oh honey you are not alone, I found it very difficult to get in and out of my car.. It was horrible!! I love to wear heels and couldn't for the life of me balance my big belly in them.. and forget about sitting up :) You have my sympathy.. I always slept on my tummy and couldn't sleep until after my son was born and even then it felt so wierd to sleep on my stomach. And then you get to the end of your prgnancy and you can't go anywhere without peeing 5 thousand times!!! It is very hard to do anything.. especially being on your feet.. My weekend mall trips with the girls were no longer a treat, I hated walking around, i was just so uncomfortable through out my whole pregnancy. You will have that baby in your arms soon enough and will forget about all the aches and pains of being preggers.. Then you will be left with the aches and pains of childbirth and the heartache of worrying over every little thing. I wish i could tell you all this will p, but you have only just begun :)good luck with your pregnancy and congrats on your unborn angel

How do you pronounce this French name?

How would you pronounce "In�s"? Is the s at the end silent? And how would you say the vowels?

How would you feel if your preacher, priest, minister, or rabbi told you that Exodus was probably a myth?

I would be relieved and excited that someone who was Christian was actually interested in discovering what is true and what is not in the religion. I would invite them over to have a chat and would end up being friends with them.

I need hair accessories that are for geishas!?

I have a photo session and a costume party that im going to. I need to make or find geisha hair ornaments!

Is religion a lot like Paula Abdul?

Attractive and appealing initially, then after you spend a little time around it just absolutely kooky?

Would These Be Good Parts For A Home-Built Computer?

It's pretty good, but my only concern would be the PSU. It's not a very good one and it's efficiency is only 70%, which could be a problem. You'd do better getting a modular one with a higher wattage or with a better efficiency. What about the operating system?

Where is the song "A Fifth of Beethoven" used in Saturday Night Fever"?

I know they were in the dance club, but not sure what the exact scene is. Been several years since I watched the movie. Try, maybe it's on there! Oh and to the brainiac who said its not the title, its Beethovens 5th, well get over yourself, because it is A FIFTH OF BEETHOVEN...BY WALTER MURPHY. What now?

What happens to the extra amino acids once the 'STOP' has been read by the ribosome in protein synthesis?

Once the ribosome reaches the termination or "stop" codon protein synthesis for that gene product is complete. The ribosome then disembles from the mRNA and any triplets after the stop codon are not read, nor are they attempted to match with a tRNA anticodon.

Who finds it strange or boring that all these old actors/actresses in hollywood?

Actually, I think the movies are getting better. Did you see avatar? So good. I do think horror movies are getting worse though. They just can't seem to find anymore originality. It's sad actually.

Playing with another person's deck of cards?

I'd just write it off. It won't break the bank to get another set annoying though it can be. It's called life's rich pattern. Actually in this sort of situation it is best to write off any breach of etiquette short of cheating and even then I would try to withdraw from the series if possible without comment if stakes are small

What do I do when my bf daughter says untrue things about him to me?

I have been in a relationship for 2 and half years. I have a strained relationship with his ex wife but a good one with his kids. His 20 year old daughter complains to me alot about how her father is cheap and doesn't help her mom. He pays 5,000 month child support/alimony towards the ex. He also pays her full college tuition(community college), books, car insurance, all car maintenance for his daughter. Whenever she needs extra spending money he always pays up(maybe to much, but thats not my bussiness).They have a good relationship (daughter and my bf) they talk everyday and see eachother on average 3 times a week. The ex wife told the daughter he is cheating them and doesn't help at all. It's really unfair to him. I truly like his daughter and she is still a little young to understand. It's very clear the ex is feeding her misinformation. I don't know if what if anything I should do when she gets really nasty - so far I have just kept quite and told my bf immediately after. He never sticks up for himself. He is done with his ex wife emotionally they had a poor marriage. Should he explain to his daughter how much he helps so she doesn't resent him? By the way me and his daughter are really close but lately the ex is trying to cause problems by slandering me I'm scared . I would appreciate real help and please read the rest of my questions if you want a full picture, thank you!

Help doing a write up for changing the pcb on a boiler?

Find a installation manual for a fairly new boiler and read and understand it and rewrite it do not copy as it will be copy right infringement unless you reference it!

Didn't Reagan have a higher unemployment rate then Obama at the midterms?

He also had a lower approval rating also. The unemployment rate with Reagan at the midterms were 10.6%. People didn't blame Reagan during that time as much as they blamed Obama when they were both in office for the same amount of time. I think that people seem to have revisionist history when saying that things were always rosy back then but they weren't and many GOPers seem to forget that. AND DON'T BLAME CARTER IF OBAMA CAN'T BLAME BUSH! That's so hypocritical of the GOP to say this is Obama's mess only but for Reagan is was all Carter.

Why wouldn't Sallie Mae put in writing that they want $50 per loan to process Financial Hardship Deferments?

Deferments should be free to process, did you specifically state that you wanted to apply for a hardship deferment? Hardship deferments are based on income and the only thing you need to turn in is proof of income. Also, if you have low income you can get a free cell phone. I'll post the site with all of the above information

Can I sue radio shack?

I bought a xbox 360 wireless headset from radioshack online and the first day it got home it didnt even work so i call then and they said I had to pay for shipping and i didnt want that because why do i have to waste my money on shipping once it wasnt my fault right? so i went to the store and they said theyll deal with it and I check back on the bill 3 months later and its still on there i call them and they know nothing about it i gave then the item and they didnt give me the money back or returned it back to me can we sue them? or make them pay more then i payed for?

How much could a moderately successful model expect to earn?

Someone on the way up maybe who does catalogues, small TV ads, brochures - not sure what sort of work they'd get. Knowledge and information needed. Thanks

Who do you think will be in the Trans Tasman Test?

It 's way to early to be thinking of who will be in the NZ/Australian Squads. Anything can happen between now and then

Do any of you know how to knit and/or crochet?

I'm a super beginner at both. Does anyone have any easy patterns or tips for me that has helped them?

AP US History Exam Essays!?

Ugh yes I was!!! In my cl, we quickly went over the Vietnam War (literally in one cl period) and since its so close to the end of the year, I didn't pay a lick of attention. So I was like I'm screwed! I just kinda bull-crapped it since there was nothing else I could do. And 2, the one about slavery, and 5, about the different techniques and goals of the civil rights leaders of the 1890s-1920s and the 1950s-1960s.

Baby stuff...Crochet patterns and colours? has a very good library of free patterns, depending on your skill level. They also have instructions for knitting and crochet that you can print with good diagrams, in case you don't understand a direction or want to learn a new stitch or two.

Do you think The Miz and Chris Jericho would be a good tag team? Why or why not? WQ+BQ Inside?

YES! i dont like them. but they would make a good tag-team. They both have experience with working with the Big Show. And they have things in common. WATCH OUT HART DYNASTY! HERE COMES " JERMIZ"

My gourami got badly injured. HELP!?

for now there is nothing you can do... you ant re-grow it yourself. I recommend highly to please take the ornament out though and exchange it with another one. This happens a lot, don't feel like you did anything wrong.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Salvation question revised.?

Belives don't make no one great, all of those so called religions people will go to Hell if they commite sin... for example, Jesus didn't eat meat and He celarly said for us to not kill and to not eat meat but any christians or whatever will burn in hell for a bit, to pay for they sins and come back after , sitll a bit hot, for next life.

Silicone in fish tanks?

I bought "Premium Waterproof Silicone: Window/Door/Attic/Basement 100% Silicone". My research thus far had said that it's safe, as long as it's 100% silicone, without anything mold or mildew resistant. However, now that I take a closer look at the bottle, on the back it reads "Not for use below the water line, where FDA compliance is necessary, or aquariums." (despite the fact that it is "permanently waterproof". ) What do you guys think? Is this just something they say to cover their backsides?

North Melbourne will play 2 games in Hobart next year. so who is the real winner?

Hobart and the people that dwell within will be the biggest winners with the rest of southern tie coming a close second. Having two live AFL games on their doorstep will be an absolute frenzy for the football mad apple islanders. hopefully it will lead to a new team or a relocated team long overdue being located on the island state. Whether it be north Melbourne or hawthorn, or both or a completely new club, a tie side has long been beckoning. the AFL will come third on this winners list with the unbridled enthusiasm that this announcement should produce. It should also be a bonus to north Melbourne Membership numbers especially if they are smart enough to create an apple isle membership package. good for footy good for everyone in my opinion. cheers Oh as for the weather factor, isn't that what winter sports are all about???

Young-Earth Creationism vs. Old-Earth Creationism?

The way in which a reader of the Bible is to understand the text is to use the same rules of grammar and syntax by which the text was originally written. When this is done the text demands that the days in Genesis be literal 24 hour periods. The chronologies thus provide a precise record from Adam to the Flood and beyond. One does not need to have Lorentz, Poincare, Einstein, or Feynman to understand the Genesis text (its a language thing, not a scientific thing - just like a newspaper or magazine). The Biblical model of creation provides the chronological framework by which creation researchers are to peform their scientific modeling.

Edger Allen Poe's Poem The Raven?

Recentally I have been igned the poem The Raven by Edger Allen Poe. I am supposed to read the poem and answer 10 questions that my teacher gave me. I do not understand the poem at all. I have asked for help, I have read it aloud, read it over, i've done everything. Normally I am a very good reader, (College reading level in 8th grade) but I just really do not understand The Raven. Could I have some help knowing or figuring out the meaning of the poem?

Why did transmission fluid just pour from the bottom of my truck?

I picked up my truck from the auto shop to get my fuel injectors replaced on my 88 Bronco, when I drove out of thier parking lot, Trans fluid just POURED from the bottom of my truck. is this because of something the did wrong. They added 2 quarts of Trans fluid before I pulled out.

Rock song cant remember the name?

So i was listening to this rock song and i dont really remember the name. i think it had standing or still standing in was before the chorus but every chorus song it was before had a good beat and it wasnt Elton Johns lol.. sorry not much but maybe you know the thanks

Abortion putting strain on relationship...?

If he's that depressed then the both of you did NOT make that decision together, YOU made the decision. Something like that does not just go away, I doubt he'll trust you again.

Dose any one know how to stick vinly to sandstone?

Hi I have just bought a plotter and want to engrave things on sandstone i also have a sand blaster I just need to know how can i stick the vinyl to the stone dose any one know of any products

I want to go to beach with my from bangladesh..the beach is cox accomodation place for me?

you can stay in hotel coral reef or hotel kollol. i used it. both are good. and near to beach.but the best one is hotel sea palace.

How does the X1550 Radeon compare to the 9800 Pro?

I had a 9800 Pro (128mb, agp) but it broke. I'm thinking about getting the x1550 (128mb, agp) because thats all I can afford. Will it be faster than my 9800?

How much does it cost to get pes into the garage area at these NASCAR tracks?

You can't buy garage pes. You have to have connections. You CAN buy pit pes. Check the websites. Last I knew Michigan's cost $50.

What should i do to find out weather i am gay or straight?

i don't know , what i am.....i mean um gay or bi? this ques irritates me a lot. i am having a gf and we are happy. but i likes to check out guys too. i always stare at guys and kind of attracted towards them and when i meet some guy then there are lot of problem's occur between me and my gf. i love her very much. what should i do?

What movies in the future will top the anticipation of Star Wars Ep 3?

Ever since i can remember, all movies have been building up to the final installment of the star wars series. And now that its over and on DVD I wonder if I will ever have the same feeling of anticipation. Will there ever be another film of the same caliber of Star Wars?

Would You Rather See Booker T or Matt Hardy Win the MITB Match at WM 26, Y?

Matt Hardy. Booker T has had his chance at being in the main event/world title scene and he wasted it. He's getting older now too and doesn't have much wrestling time left, he's already past his prime. Maybe Matt is too but he's more over than Booker ever was and could still be a great top name if the McMahonagement allowed it, which they never have.

Work survey: when your manager wants to incorporate more work into your job...?

If you screw it up enough times, they won't trust you to do it any more! "If you don't like your job, you don't quit, you don't go on strike! You just go in to work every day and do it really halfed!" Homer Simpson :)

How did past experience of the patriots with England's monarchy influence their decisions regarding a new form?

If I understand your question there were 27 reason given to break with the king they are outlined in the Declaration of independence

Yahoo rabbit breeders group?

the girl who just answered this question took way to much time to answer the question than to think about how some breeders like me and the one who is asking this question are good with doing our jobs and make sure the kits go to good homes were they will be cared for and loved forever.

Why is there widespread antipathy towards the united states government?

Please be detail oriented and thought - provoking on relating question all answers and opinions are greatly appreciated?

Help me with my thesis statement?

I have to do a 4 page paper on the ancient civilizations of Maya, Aztec and Inca and I really need help with my thesis statement and my introduction.

Best barrel horse age?

Don't get me wrong, I know a LOT about horses and barrel racing and have been doing it since I was three. My parents didn't own a ranch or anything, but I fell in love when I was about 18 months old and my grandmother would take me to the pony ride ranch by her house. Anyway, that is not my question. I am always really paranoid about a barrel horse's age. I get a good horse, but then get worried and anxious when they turn 10 or so. I don't want them to start to slow down! I don't know why I feel this way. Probably because I know we can't afford board for two horses, and I don't want to fall in love with a horse if I have to sell him a few years later because I need to stay competitive. I have heard it over and over again, 7/11 7/11. But I google people like Martha Josey, Charmayne James, Brittney Pazzi-Phar, etc. and get worried when I see that all their winning horses were like, 6 years old or so. So I was just wondering your guy's opinions on the optimum ago for a barrel horse. Please don't lie to me, be real and tell me what you think with no sugar coated answers. :] Thanks.

Help Choosing Keepers(Romo, Grant, Charles, Fitzgerald)?

Definitely Romo... Grant is a safer pick, but Charles has more upside. I have a similar dilemma as I am most likely going to choose between the two in the draft. I say keep Charles along with Romo and Fitzgerald

What do you think of this?

It needs something to make it interesting. Is this like the introduction or the prologue? I would write like a poem or something to introduce it.

Christians, do you fellowship with God?

Yes I do. I fellowship with Him through prayer and speaking in tongues, song, fellowshipping with other believers and obedience. We are commanded to abide in Him and we must make the effort to do that. That's how we make Him our Lord. Some people just want to make Him their Savior but not their Lord.

Which of these trades would you rather?

I'd take deal #2 Felix is going to be the guy who gets the carries in Dallas, Barber has shown his value is only on short down rushes. Randy is a bit of a risk since Favre is a little shaky this season, but I think its worth the gamble.

What is the point of a sign and trade?

the mavs might get marion in a sign and trade, what is the point of this y dont the mavs jus sign him and then they dont have to giv anything up....?

What are some challenging books that a 9th grader can read?

My English teacher grew up in the British educational system and knows all these fancy words and I just want to be able to have a conversation with her with out looking for sophisticated language and sounding stupid. So what are some books and don't tell me just read a dictionary I want to read books. Is Dan Brown's Da Vinci Code good I always wanted to read that?

Have you seen Friday the 13th?

If you have is it gory? ive seen the original(1980) part 1 and the gore didnt bother me at all, but still i really dont like REALLY gory movies

Is it possible for the type of pillow you use to cause migraines?

I've been having severe migraines off and on for the past 2 months. My doctor and I have eliminated most environmental and dietary possibilities as the culprit. However, at some point not too long ago I changed out my pillow with one from my spare bedroom that I don't normally use. It's approximately the same type of pillow I was using before, same thickness, firmness, etc. but feels like a different type of filler. Could this be causing the migraines?

What NFL team is better?

even though i hate the jets with a pion im not picking steelers cause of it they have so young talent thats emerging an playing well an with big ben there at qb they be good for a long time to come the jets still need time to find there place an put the pieces together but yea steelers definalty

Friday, August 12, 2011

Just another update...?

So, I posted it earlier today that I got a BFP earlier this afternoon with a Clear Blue hpt. Well, I just took another hpt, this time First Response...and there it was, 2 very bold, pink lines!! I guess I really am pregnant. I have my appointment with my doctor tomorrow and hopefully they will confirm it. I have a bit of a sore throat, headache, sore legs and lower back, a bit of a stuffy nose...but no sore yet. I wish baby dust to all you ttc and this is my 1st so if anyone could fill me in on what to expect in the coming weeks and what the chances of a miscarriage are? Or better yet, how can I prevent something from happening to the baby?

Tell me what you think about my book! PLEASE!!!?

It's good. Not my cup of tea, and the writing was a little unprofessional, but it was okay. Keep at it. Good job. And great punctuation.

More 90s rap songs like... (read description)?

have yall ever heard a song called betrayal by gangstarr ft. scarface or a song called tearz by the wu-tang clan... well can yall please give me some more songs like that, those songs have 2 storys to tell with a nice sad beat, & well... can you give me more songs like that... Thanks to all!

What do the Russian hard and soft signs do?

I'm currently learning Russian, and I'm wondering, what do the hard/soft signs do, i think the hard signs harden the vowel, and the soft signs soften the vowel, but i'm not sure.

Proactiv order help please?

ok so i got this advertising paper in the mall about proativ and i ordered it. i was already using it and it worked. so the question is how long does it take for it to arrive? i got the 3 step system and the green tea moisturizer and refining mask as a gift. it said i could use cash i sent in the $20 along with the form. i ordered it last monday and now its wednesday...should i wait or like call proactiv?

Goat milk instead of formula?

Personally WIC can just suck it up. I never really approved of having some overworked and underpaid person who has no formal training in pediatrics look after my baby (even though I do take advantage of the food they give me). If your pediatrician says it's OK and it's working I would just be happy. I have never heard of using goat milk and will put that in my bank of knowledge just in case I need it in the future. Sounds reasonable to me because it is supposedly better than cows milk from what I hear.

What is the best way to dust / clean dirt?

I have iRobot that I run about once a week. But it does not reach high spots and congested corners, I have hand Eureka Hand help vacuum machine for corner floors and widows, what about tables and desk? What is the best product that is also economical ? I do not like use and toss kind which you have to keep on buying.... help for: Anna M. (Friend or Freund) Pilz?

a href="®ion=EUROPE" rel="nofollow"…/a as previously given to you in one of your other is not the only place to find information...again you need to look for the naturlisation records, penger ship list records etc prior to looking in other countries records system which are different from US systems

Who do you blame for our infatuation with celebrities?

What would our society be like if we were as infatuated with teachers, scientists, heros, etc as much as we are with Britney Spears? Do you think WE are to blame for our own infatuation with celebrities or do you think the media is to blame? The thing is, the media is going to report on things we're all interested in. But it's a chicken and egg scenario - we're interested because the media is reporting on these celebutants while the media would say , we're reporting because you're which came first? What can be done to bring more attention to REAL heros instead of celebrities? I have no problem with celebrities. But let's face it....they are famous for doing their simple job which is to pretend to be something else (actors), or sing (musicians). It's not rocket science. Actors simply are good are pretending to be another person, plain and simple. So why do we idolize them like they've cured cancer or something?

I've lost my bestfriend?

okay, well we were sitting in a circle at recess with a few other people, and me and my other friend were showing this a thing, and she thought it was stupid. She has to always say negative things, its really annoying. Then, somehow we started talking about how scabs randomly formed on your skin, and i said that they dont, and my other friend agreed with me. And then she says that they dont form randomly, i dont get her. But it was on for a while, and its actually worse then what it seems like. Then she called me stubborn, and act like a knowitall, it seems as if everything she says it right, and everything i say is wrong. I say to her that maybe i dont have to agree with everything you think, and its only your opinion. So she goes, omg, you're so immature! and walks off with my other two friends, in in those two friends, one of them is my bestest friend. They weren't even involved, they were only sitting there while we were arguing. and i cant believe my BESTfriend is on her side now. Since then i haven't talked to her for one day, and i haven't done anything, until today i found out that she turned a lot of people against me. i am really angry at her, but i still want her back, because shes a really good friend. but not at the moment obviuosly. but in the past shes been a really reliable friend, she always stuck up for me, and seemed like the only person i could talk to. but now shes slightly gone a bit.. mean. And we were going to go to boomtec (a disco) together, and now she decides to go with my BESTfriend. i cant believe this, someone like her doing such a thing. I said sorry, but she hasnt replied to my message yet. Please help, what should i do? i dont want to not be friends anymore, so dont say something like 'dont be friends with her anymore, get new ones.' because our fights dont last very long, but i always need to find a way to make it over, and i dont know what to do. please help.

I've looked into an IT course with Advent Computer Training but need to verify company is genuine/accredited.

The problem is I've been told I can take out a 1 yr interest free commercial loan with Barclays for �5,000 to pay the IT course fee for Advent Computer Training (see Google). However Barclays Business told me they were unaware of this loan & company so I'm now very dubious. how can I check if company is legit or if this is a scam? Citizens Advice couldn't help.

ATHEISTS: I need help for a friend (Darwin Fish)?

Where does one buy the Darwin Fish (aka. fishie with legs and darwin inside it instead of jesus) bumper ornament?

Iam from Syria Icant sign into yahoo messengerthey told me there is aproblem try little bit later?

then there is a problem! maybe the yahoo server is down and work will resume in a bit. So wait a little.

Is Rosensteel a Jewish name?

It was my grandmothers maiden name but the family denies any Jewish connection (my great grandfather was quite a bigot; backwoods Pennsylvania type). I want to know if any of my ancestors were Jewish, and from the name it seems likely. Any opinions?

AFL: What is wrong with Melbourne?

They are trading Brock Mclean for yet another Draft pick. Why would they get rid of more players they need?

Should John Cena Lose The Title In DETROIT?

he wont lose the title...i think it should be jbl vs cena u know since is like 25 year anniversary have a rematch of the time cena first won a title...just my opinion

How do videos from the pre internet era get on youtube (ie martin luther king's speech)?

also shows from the previous night (ie superbowl, wrestling pay per view) are on youtube the next morning. How does this happen

Intel and DirectX 9?

I'm using an Intel GMA 950 Graphics Card and a game says that my GC is not compatible with my GC, is my GC compatible? The game is Half-life and Day of Defeat: Source, don't worry about RAM and CPU, it's covered...

I need an April Fools Idea!!!! ASAP!?

have been with my BF for two years. I go to a college 25 minutes away from him and tomorrow is April's fools day. I would like to play a joke him. He is really into working out, napping, athletics, football, food. Some thing just for fun. I do have cl tomorrow but not the whole day.

What are the chances of my cat getting swine flu?

a href=",0,7440266.story" rel="nofollow"…/a says cats can get it, but how high are the chances?

Why do white patches/spots of white appear on my wall?

I painted my room a month ago and slowly, white patches or spots started to appear. Even when I repainted the area with the same paint, the white still reappear! Thinking that the problem lies with the paint brand, we repainted the room with another paint brand. And guess what? The white appears yet again! It's so frustrating! Please help if you know what I should do, thanks in advance.

I am doing a projectin my spanish cl on the African influnence in Venezuela.?

Does anyone know any good websites i can go to to to help find things about their music,art & clothing. And things of that nature.

Boy problem ?? :( need help ! ?

After reading that, I don't think you need to worry about grades because it sounds like academics was never your strong suit.

If you hate Socialism, should you tell your kids sharing is evil and give all your love to the one that works?

Socialism is about force and control. The true concept of "sharing" has nothing to do with force or control.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

What are the similarities between climategate and the acorn scandal?

i see a lot of parallels between this situation and the acorn scandal: #1. remember the acorn scandal was not started by 60 minutes or any goverment organiztion, it was actually started by two kids who went into the office pretending to be a pimp and a prostitute who wanted help laundering money and getting a government home loan that they could run a brothel out of. climategate wasn't brought about by any media expose or government watchdog group, someone hacked a computer and leaked the information to the internet. #2. the acorn scandal was kept hidden by all of the major networks except fox. but spread like wildfire on the internet. climategate has been kept off all the major networks except fox. but it is all over the internet. in fact climategate, a word that has only been around for a week, has ped global warming as far as google hits. a href="…" rel="nofollow"…/a similarity #3. is that people started distancing themselves from acorn once all the bad publicity hit. the democrats that were their best buddies three weeks earlier were now calling acorn criminals and breaking all public ties with them. that has already started here. al gore was scheduled to speak in copenhagen at the UN climate convention on dec 15. where he was to give a speech on climate change and promote his new book about global warming called ''our choice''. after climategate broke he cancelled the speech claiming ''schedule conflicts''. ha. i would guess he got the facts for his new book about global warming from the tainted CRU data, and he doesn't want to be tied into the mess. #4(and my personal favorite). when the acorn scandal first came out the liberals and that it would all blow over for acorn. and i get great personal joy out of saying acorn is in deep sh*t and it's not going away. they have been cut off from all government funding and attorney generals in several states are putting together cases against them. just like i said then(about ACORN) i am saying now about climategate. cru and the global warming theory is going to be severely damaged by climategate. that this is not going to go away quietly. does anyone else see any similarities between the two scandals?

Why do men think it is ok and just part of being a guy to lie cheat and deceive women?

Just to get physical pleasure from them. Its never okay to lie cheat and deceive anyone. Why can't men just tell women the truth that they only want and don't like them for who they are at all. And not pretend to like her and lie and say things like I love you when they don't. There are plenty of women out there who also just want one night stands so why don't those men who only want physical go after them and not cause someone heartache. Men underestimate the pain they cause the victims they deceive. Its painful and it hurts and its not okay. Tell the truth be straight forward. Why don't men understand that?Why do men think it is ok and just part of being a guy to lie cheat and deceive women?Are women not human enough to consider their feelings?

What is so good about boom boom pow?

loads of people like it but in my opinion it has no rhythm, is mainly sung on a computer and is boring. i want to know why do people like it?

What is a good upbeat fun song?

So for my graduation, we have to make a video of pictures, and I am wanting a song, I like Alter Bridge, Breaking Benjamin and all, but Their songs are about war, and being unafraid and etc. I really, really like Rope by Foo Fighters and Crazy by Me First And the Gimme Gimmes, I want a up beat, fun song about happiness and good times, etc. My sister did a Carrie Underwood song for hers and it was pretty cool, but country's not my thing, besides Johnny Cash. Oh and I really don't like rap or hip hop. Thanks!

What are your siblings names? What are your kids names?

My sisters names are Lynette and Nicole Leigh. I also have 2 step sisters...they are Cari Rose and Janine. My kids names are Ashton Michael, Kaylen Brooke, and Gianna Shea.

Help! Need to know once and for all should I forget this 'relationship'?

To be honest if you stay with him your always going to be treading on egg shells, wondering if hes ok and are you hurting him by what your doing, i think you need to be honest and say to him, do you wanna be with me?...and if he does you will get a huge message of undying love and appologies if not he will text back and still be the same, i think you should text him that message now saying do you wanna be with me?...whatever the outcome i think you will know which path 2 take, best of luck luv

Christians and Muslims: What do you think of the Moshiach?

Never submit - I hope you realize just who the son of G*D is.Shemot-Exodus 4:22 And you shall say to Pharaoh, 'So said the Lord, "My firstborn son is Israel." '

Would it be safe for an american soldier to travel to colombia?

Yes, Colombia has security, but, you have to know where do you travel, because Colombia has some dangerous places, but, big cities are security. I'm Colombian, trust in me. =D

What can I do about Apartment Manager Retaliation?

Get a Lawyer or Attorney and tell them exactly what you wrote or pint it and show it to them. Those kind of people they get away from it because there strong point they have a business that help there community. Take a picture before and after about the condition of the apartment. Once the case is seatled move out and find another apartment.

Anyone know of an Iraqi Children Giving British Soldiers flowers Story?

I'm doing an Art project on flowers and i wanted my final peace to be an Iraqi child reaching up to give a british soldier at a checkpoint a flower, symbolizing hope.. Thing is, does anyone know of any stories where children have given soldiers in iraq flowers that mean anything? or just flowers? I want a story to work with and i cannot find any, help!

Book suggestions...................…

If you liked Ray Bradbury, I suggest reading another dystopian novel for the YA audience called The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins.

Is it no wonder why players choose to dive?

It's just part of the game, nothing can be done about it i'm afraid. It's more of an issue in Spain and Italy for sure, in Germany and England, you see very little diving, unless of course it comes from these girly Europeans from Italy, Spain, Portugal etc.

Anyone have a newborn baby who likes to nurse for comfort?

My daughter is 2 weeks old today and combination and bottle feeding. She's great at nursing but my got very damaged in the beginning and while I was bottle feeding to allow them to recover we just kind of developed a pattern of both. Now all of a sudden my daughter only wants to nurse and she wants to nurse all the time. It seems to me she's just using me as a pacifier most of the time and she wont take her favorite binky anymore and she wont take a bottle. I don't know what to do because I know my are starting to get cracked again and it wont be long before I'm forced to start bottle feeding again but the only way I can get her to sleep and stop crying is to offer her my . Do any other moms have experience with this and if so how did you overcome it?

I jest joined the marines,jot a problem?

i support our armed forces fully. although i do not fully support the war itself, i fully respect those of you who have got called in to duty and wish everyone a safe return home. just dont throw puppies off cliffs, ok?

Deed questions?

I have 4 names on my deed to the house. I desperatley need a home equity loan but one signer won't sign off. I figure I own half the house and should get half the equity whether they sign off or not. Any help?

How do you go about becoming a?

VR Trooper a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Jean-Baptiste Benoit in the movie Perfume, an actual legend or based on 1?

Not quite sure what you are asking here, if you are asking if Perfume is a legend or based on one the answer is neither, it's based on a novel by Patrick S�skind. The lead character Jean-Baptiste Grenouille is fictitious. Don't remember the name Benoit in the film or book so I am but I think you are referring to Grenouille it's been a while since I read it.

Near the end of asins creed 2 where is leonardo da vinci?

hes in the room with your sister and the architect. i found the end is very anti-climatic, but they want it to lead into the 3rd one i guess

I keep feeling dizzy and faint and head-ace?

i walk to the shops and it was really cold outside and hot in shop stared doing my shopping and stared felling dizzy and like i was going to faint and my version was blurred and pain at back of my head i have high blood pressure but on tablets for that i have felt faint before but not like this i was on my own with my son in his pram i felt like my body was wobbly my hands was shaking and Had to get my husband to pick me up i told doctors be four about feeling faint did blood test but come back normal can someone give me some advice thanks nikki j

In what ways does American and British English differ? What geographic factors explain these differences?

Also because Noah Webster decided to change British English to make it easier for American children to learn to spell.

Can somebody name the artist and title of this song please?

think i know what you talking, that detyne ice commercial with the princess kissing the toad, etc. Song call studdering by ben's brother. try that.


As long as you aren't planning to do anything involving heavy graphics or a lot of power, this is a good system for the money. However, I did hear that the cheaper the laptop, the shorter its life span. So keep that in mind. Lastly, remember that if you use Windows XP, one gigabyte is enough memory, but with Vista, you should have 2 gigabytes. Good luck and I hope this helped.

What are some good movies to watch when dealing with heartache?

"Up In Smoke" - Cheech and Chong, "The Meaning of Life" - Monty Python, "The Texas Chainsaw Macre", "The Alamo" - John Wayne, "One Flew Over the Cookoo's Nest" - Jack Nicholson, "Easy Rider" - Peter Fonda, "Blazing Saddles" - Mel Brooks, "Goldfinger" - Sean Connery, "Scary Movie 4" - Anna Farris, "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" - Susan Sarandon, Tim Curry, Barry Boswick, "Oklahoma" - Gordon McRae,"Meet Me in St. Louis" - Judy Garland, "The Train" - Burt Lanchaster, "My Favorite Year" - Peter O'Toole, "South Pacific" - Mitzi Gaynor, "Raiders of the Lost Ark" - Harrison Ford, "The Full Monty" - Robert Carlyle, "The Transporter" - Jason Stratham. I could go on and on.

Compare and contrast the federal government of the united states and the government of the state of arkansas?

This essay should examine the executive branch, the judicial branch, and the legislative branches of government. The essay should also deal with the federal system itself and explain which powers are delegated to the federal government and what powers are reserved for state government and what powers are considered concurrent. Any similarities or differences in processes should be discussed as well.

How to get rid of Boils in groin area ?

I started shaving down there more recently on a regular basis and in the past month I have had 2 boils form in the groin area. One was closer to the ocks but this latest one is on my outer lip! Is having causing this? I used to have problems with this on my ocks but it has gone away but now reappears in my groin area. This really sucks espcially for life. What can I do to get rid of them? From what I read only the only thing is to put hot compress but they have to run their course and only certain time you can have a doctor drain them. This is embaring to go to the doctor for, too.

Problem with my built in webcam?

i have a advent c900 laptop on windows 7, iv downloaded msn and i cant get my webcam to work, any ideas on what i can do to get this fixed, thankyou

Help me pick my summer concerts.... Please?

Rush, Coldplay, Blondie, Big Bad Voodoo Daddy. Nice that you have all the choices. I would also choose tha Allman Brothers, but sionce you have seen them already maybe not. BB King before he leaves this earth; quite a showman old school!, His shows are awesome. He is a dabetic and not doing so well; God bless him!

Mla fomat quote with more than one speaker?

i'm writting a research paper using mla format and i have a quote from my novel that has more than one person speaking in it how do I put this into my paper.

Was this fair, considaring I'd done nothing wrong?

I was going to meet my friends at the train station, I put my ticket through the barrier when a man stopped me, he pulled me aside and said..."That's a child's ticket, your not a child". (In the UK a child travel ticket is for anyone under 16). I'm 15. Then he called another male member of staff over. They were both huge, tall and simply intimidating. I pulled my oyster card from my purse, which proved my age. He snatched it out of my hands and asked me my birthday, so I told him. He later asked twice again, and I told him. Another man asked my name, and I told him without hesitation. He then pointed at cards in my purse and made me show him what they were. So I pulled a library card out, with my name on the back... They just kept saying, "I don't believe you, you don't look fifteen", so I told him call my mum, but he wouldn't, in fact he replied with "Call your mum? Your lucky I'm not calling me police". He had no way to prove I was over fifteen, so he told me he was keeping my oyster card because it was slightly scratched. I told him I couldn't get home without it, this point I was practically in tears but he refused to give it back saying "I should be calling the police, count yourself lucky". I can't help looking slightly older than I am, and he treated me like a criminal for it...

Need help with my grandfather clock!?

During a move the pendulum & weights were remove to prevent damage to the clock. I wasn't therewhen they were removed. I had no trouble replacing the pendulum but cannot figure out how to replace the weights! It is an apron 1996 Hoard Miller clock.

How to breed a bulldog?

ive recently got an absolutly beautiful fawn & white british bulldog 18mth old male, he is very good looking, muscular and has an exceptional background with pedigree ect i keep him groomed i clean after he goes to the toilet etc however ive advertised him for stud and had no replies? how much is a stud fee? do we go to the female? i also heard i may have to ist him in doing his business lol in what way is ist? he is fantastic with children and other animals. apart from his mad snoring he the perfect pooch. any advice would be fab thank you

Can I sue myself for slander?

I got drunk and started spreading awful rumors about myself..... do i have any legal recourse against me?


Your info in incorrect also you copied that from other posts, heard it a 100 times before, before you post do your research

Day in an illiterate life?

I would like to know what a typical day may consist of for someone who can not read or write. So of course they need people to help them with the menus at restaraunts and someone to help them count money I guess. But how would you make it through the day? Where would you work? What about spare time? What could you do?

Plzz need some advice in love(betrayal)?

So you want to betray her? There's any easy way just dont talk to her anymore when people are laughing at her then laugh along. Just go on with your lives hang out with a new girl or something a hobby.

What's your favorite Holiday memory?

Mine is small, its when my daughter came downstairs when she could talk, at 2.5 years & saw the presents & said "Mommy, presents from Santa Claus! Princess open now?" It was the cutest thing I ever heard.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Please emergency help!!! my parrot got his right leg broken in cieling suggest some good clinic or avian doc?

If it were my parrot i would try and keep him still by wrapping him in a towel so that he cannot use that leg. He may go into shock if he is in too much pain, I had a parrot so I have some ideas what your going through GOOD LUCK

What denomination are you?

I am a common denominator. In the end I don't think that labels are going to make much difference. You are either good or not.

Was Collins workplace dysfunctional ?

Doing is not saying or publishing but being, including being the three ways you mentioned. If not, it becomes dysfunctional.

What would you do if you realized you left dirty footprints in your boyfriend's (or gf's) shower?

run the shower. try and half heartedly scrub them off. then give up and deny all knowledge. tell them if was them.

First of all dis ques is meant only for boys.. How should i Stop my hand practidce.. ???

Is dere any way to stop hand practice.. I got rid of dis bad habit.. It is spoiling my lyf... my health is gng down n down.. n m really got dumb frm my lyf due to dis thing.. plz suggest me any way to stop frm dis damn habit.. or any medical treatment.. or any contact no. of a gud specialist which can help me through net or personally...

I need help girl issue's?

my ex GF and i just broke up..but she sent me this in txt.."its bcuz you say victoria bechem is hot and u flirt with other girls and hug them too" well she said the soccer player ROnaldo is i said tori bechem is...(SAME?EVEN. RIGHT?) well in reality neither one of us (14 year old's) is gonna get any of ronaldo or tori beckam...reality...and the hugginh other girls was 2 girls and they are like my sis and they have been frenz with me since i was 10 & 5...soo ya what to do?? her bro and my rlly good frend ther like she screwd up..her bro was like tlk to her and ill help you...well i cant talk to her if she wont even acknowlege the fact im in her homeroom..she ignores me..HELP MANY PPL IN SKOL AND OUT OF SKOL THINK WE SHUD GET BACK TOGETHER????I THINK YES,BCUZ SHE MESSED UP AND WANTED SOMETING ELSE..but idkk adivce!!!!???thank you!!!

Favre vs StL or Garrard @ Det?

Favre is a NO. even though they are playing the rams , the rams are not as bad as everyone thinks. Favre didn't do a thing against oakland which is right now one of the worst teams in the NFL. in the past 3 games favre has only ped for 2 touchdowns and thrown 6 INTS.... hes lost his ability as a decent quarterback no doubt about it. Detriot hasn't been playing as bad lately either but i'd still have to go with Garrard, Farve is too likely to make mistakes even if it is against the St.Louis Rams defense

Does Chavez bother you as much as he does me?

I really don't believe any U.S. politician can compare to this guy. I know people like to compare him with Obama, but Chavez seems just plain crazy. At the rate he's going I believe he's going to destroy his country or do something reckless and it's important he isn't allowed the U.S. or some vague personification of the U.S. to blame.

Babies name : Which one do you like???

I don't any kids yet but me and hubby searching for baby boys name for our little ones soon (Amen)... We did agree for Ryan and Shane.. I like that name if I have twin boys.. but how bout you? do you like RYAN or SHANE???

This biology homework is very hard i need help..10th grade level?

This is a question (or rather, 5 questions) better suited for the "Biology" or "Homework Help" section.

How is this story?Be a critic please!?

is it about a vampire? when i read the beginning, i thought it was about a vampire. but then when i continued, it sounded like it was about a werewolf. is it like underworld?

What would happen if i got caught driving without my permit?

Ok so my parents have been letting me drive on some gravel roads "Which only the sheriff has a right to patrol"while im in the car with them.. im wonder what would happen if i got caught. I live in Arkansas and im 15 the state trooper only shows up maybe once every two months... if i had to go to court for driving without it could i use that as a excuse. keep in mind... my parents are in the car while im driving and i live in Arkansas.. and its on less traveled county roads

Gandhi used to say "Fear and abuse kills the spirit", my question is what raises the spirit?

Faith, Hope, Charity, Love, Acceptance, Value, Humor, Giving, Helping, Enduring, Recognition, Teaching, Serving a greater cause than "self", Prayer, Introspection, Meditation, Safety,and Accomplishment.

Need help again... females only please.?

I have been on yahoo answers many times in the last few days about the same situation. I asked this girl out on Thursday over facebook(which yes i know was a bad idea) to the movies over the weekend but she had things to do, so i asked for a rain check or if she just meant plain out no and she said i could "possibly" have one if she isn't overwhelmed with homework and i have not answered back for fear of being pushy and losing any chance of a date, I also gave her my phone number and she didn't call or text. So i have come on here and have asked many times if she anybody thinks is interested, and still I'm clueless, I feel as if i am being over obsessive(reading into things too much mostly) because I want to know if she is or not. I don't want to be too pushy and just ask her straight up if she is interested but the anticipation of any answer is killing me. I see her a few times a day in ping and only once with time to actually talk, but it is homeroom and it is too early in the morning so I can't voice what i want to say to her and we both know too many people im there and i don't want it to be an embarring for either of us.(and I totally fell asleep in there for most of it today and exams start tomorrow so there isn't any time to talk) My question to you is how should I find out if she is really interested and how can i go about getting a definite answer without being pushy and losing my chances with her? Be as honest as possible cause if she isn't interested, although it wouldn't be as desirable, is still an answer and will help me try to stay her friend instead of anything more. Thanks and the more answers the better I think, so please answer.

What should I be for Halloween?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Lakers keep rolling can they beat Boston without Kobe?

I say yes Boston is no longer in the championship talks in my opinion they proved everyone is better than them in the East Atl,Clevland, Orlando so they arent even better than Charltte in my opinion just my opion though.

37 weeks with dull backache should I go to the Dr.?

I'm 37 weeks pregnant and have been having dull to painfull back pain with l "twinges" (not constant pains but they make me say "ow!" when they do happen) for the last two day's.I've got a Dr.'s appointment on tuesday, should I wait till then or go to the hospital tonight if the pain doesn't stop? It's my first baby so I just want to check, thanks guy's :D

Is it bad that I'm 17 and never had a boyfriend?

I'm 5'10", I wear a bra size 36c, and I'm sort of reserved until I'm more comfortable with others. And never had a man or !! It bothers me mucho because my friends have all had these experiences and I'm left out. Guys look at me some at random places (school, restaurants, bus, trains, departments stores, grocery stores, the streets haha) :( So yeah, I don't get why it's never happened to me before. Is that bad? Cause the vast majority of girls I know are taken.

How do you remove HiYo?

I've looked up the question and all the answers are Control Panel > add or remove hardware and delete it. But I looked in control panel and I don't have add or remove hardware. I use windows vista and have and advent, does anyone know if it would be under a different name on this or something?

Girlfriend help please... i will answer yours?

are you stupid. she is playing you right under your node. she is a and you would do better to leave her alone. how old are you anyways.

Hey what would you rather see??? for readers?

I'll be honest, none of them sound good. lol Sequels, remakes, books-to-movies, and tv shows-to-movies aren't always the greatest. Hollywood needs to entertain the public with original plots and characters.

Is Keith Olbermann comming back to countdown?

I always watch the countdown. Its really not the same with out Keith. He has a style of journalism I very much like. I was wondering if he's sick or on vacation.

Kindly tell me..How many vowels and consonants are there in these languages?

There are 5 vowels and 9 consonants in Japanese. As we use English alphabets to replace Japanese family name and first name as readable by the world, for issuing a pport or visa or the list goes on, we write as follows. A for あ as in "uh", and I for い like e in "eel" and U for う like o in "ooops" and E for え like E in "Emily" and O for お like O in "Oh". They should not be pronounced long. I would p another person a chance to tell you any other features of Japanese. I am going to test tomorrow. Bye.

Guy problems... need helpppp(:?

Okay, so i like this guy and he is in my grade and were gonna call him bob so okay i've liked bob before many times and its never really gone anywhere so ive tried to move on and get other boyfriends and every time i break up with a boyfriend i start liking bob again so the other day i was walking to my moms clroom after athletics and bob and one of my friends were walking around the locker area and bob was like hey shelby! and the other kid came and walked down the same hallway as me and was like bob totally wants you and i just laughed cuz i figured he was just being dumb but then the day before we got out for christmas break we had career day and bob came and sat by me in the auditorium and then when we had to go to the gym bob was like hey shelby where are you sitting and i was like i dont know and he was like you want to sit next to me and i was like sure. and i looked over at him one time when he wasnt sitting next to me and i caught him staring at me.. so things like that keep happening but then last night i decided to text him and he never texted back.... so do you think he likes me or not? oh and i'm pretty sure bob has never had a girlfriend before and he is really shy. thanks in advance(:

I feel so left out....?

Well one day me and my friends were talking about what kind of activities we should take and all of them went for stuff like makeup artist and furniture painting... While I am the only girl and the oldest in guitar club... I feel kind of left out, should I try to act like a actual girl and try to wear make up and skirts or should I just stay the same and be a tomboy. And now that I think of it I'm always the only girl in the guy's team! I wonder why..??? What should I do to fit in with the girls? I'm also in alot of sports and I'm also kickboxing.... What should I do to fit in with the girls??? I really really hate makeup and skirts. I can try. But what else should I do besides make up and skirts?

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Can anyone in M. tell me where to go to view court records/dockets for civil/criminal cases for free?

I need to find a reliable public access information web site for Machusetts (Beverly/salem/peabody/worchester and so on). Any links would be great. Please do not send me a link that gives me teasers and then wants to strip a heafty fee out of my bank account for details. I just need to view court dockets, outcomes, charges, and so on. Thanks!

I have a clic black and white Racking good big horse but we need help?

I have a great horse, Anticipation, I want enter him in a show or two but we have training issues. He just moved with me from Puerto Rico to the U.S. He isn't adjusted yet. His canter is pretty fast and he's pretty bouncy in a trot of any sort. I've never used a neck rein because it's not his thing. He's only a year old and I was wondering could he be entered in shows ever? How would I train him? I've got Arabians I've trained but never a Racking any tips?

Alaskan Brown Bear VS Saltwater Crocodile?

ok with out a doubt on land the bear would win considering he has a more complex brain and is really smart when it comes to fighting. it also has huge claws tough skin lots of endurance and is really fast. however in the water itd be a depending factor on wether or not the bear was aware. if not and the croc got ahold to the bear then it might be ugly for the bear. how ever tho the croc gets ahold to the bear on land or in water it could be ugly or the could really go either way but im gona give it to the bear

Who is wrong me or him? Need lots of answers people?

No one here is right. He is wrong for being a pervert and touching an unconscious girl and letting you think yall are together long enough to ffuuck you. You are wrong for letting him get away with all of of it and being ready to take him back. Sadly, does not equal love to men.

Could this be possible ?

Could happen, China did it in less than 10 years to nearly all its east coast cities. Certainly all the ones I've been to since the '80s.

How can y sometimes be a vowel?

The previous answers are correct - it's part of the problem of having many languages sharing the same written alphabet - it has to be adapted. The letter 'w' is used as a vowel in some languages, eg Welsh, but in others is a 'double vee'. Strictly speaking, w would be a semi-vowel in English, as when used in a word, the lips almost come together, but not quite.

Fantasy football help?

I'd start Bowe over Benn. Bowe has had a career year and should have a good game against St. Louis. Benn hasn't been consistant, just a few good games.

Java help...please write whole code!!!?

"please write whole code" does not constitute "help" but rather "slavery". if you want real help, post an attempt and say where you got stuck.

Trade LT for Brees/Jones-Drew?

You know i really like this trade. Sure it's a downgrade at RB, but you still have Chris Johnson, MJD, and Slaton to pick from week by week. And you get a HUGE upgrade at QB with Brees, who is one of the top three QB's right now. I would definitely do this trade, as hard as it is letting go of LT.

Animal testing ?!?

Any websites with the companys that test on animals or dont , Uhmm also any god information ... like why animals ? and good opinions , thnxx in advance

Is Catholicism a Religion, a Culture, Both or Neither?

Catholicism is a huge business that controls much of the worlds economy while bleeding widows dry of their last cent. I don't like putting it that way friends but those are the facts and you wont find the Catholic church denying that.

Is there an open source program that easily uploads a phpBB message board?

I'm computer illiterate but am needing to put together a message board. Is there an easy to use program, open source, where you can just plug in the info, folders, script, etc. and the program does the rest, uploading it to the appropriate website?

Would psychophysiological insomnia, at first glance, present as (any) specific physical condition(s)?

Perhaps a study of sleep-deprivation as a form of torture would throw up cases of physical systems which mimicked 'real' illnesses..or even were found to be responsible for 'real' illnesses.

Sharpening knives for hunting?

Don't sharpen it yourself, it's very difficult to hand sharpen. Send it back to benchmade and for a nominal fee they will make it factory sharp.

How do I get over the heartache that my contractor messed up my house renovation & now it looks real ugly. ?

Everyone thinks so too. The worst part is that I blew most of my life savings on this and can't redo or make any changes to it. The contractor refused to admit his mistake. It breaks my heart when I look at the house everyday and hate how it looks. How do I forgive him?

Is anyone else having this problem!?

im gettin so mad! i have a moto krzar and when i send a tex message to my friend she may get it right away or sometimes even the NEXT DAY!!! its pissing me off! i have tmobile by the way and i never had this problem before has anyone else had this?

What Are Some Good Metal Bands That I Haven't Herd Of? Or Some Rock Bands?

Lamb of God, Megadeth, Slayer, Anthrax, Trivium, Disturbed, BLACK SABBATH! HOW HAVE YOU NOT HEARD OF THEM!, Led ZEPPELIN!!!, Judas Priest, Darkthrone, All That Remains, KoRn, Limp Bizkit, Venom, Behemoth, Unearth, Chimaira, DevilDriver, etc.

Need to relocate and need to leave my job?

My husband was going to be laid off and luckily found a new job. Unfortunately, since he makes more money, we need to move to be closer to his new position (which is a state away). That being said, I went to my company to see what my options would be. I'm in very good standing, was on the brink of a promotion, and was requesting (I'm a writer) a work from home position. My boss doesn't like the idea of people working remotely and also thinks our group might be struggling financially. Therefore, letting me go might help the group out. However, I can't go without having a paycheck and in this economy I'm not sure when I can find another position. That being said, can I ask them to lay me off so I can collect unemployment? Are there any other options? I can still fulfill the job, they just refuse to work with me based on the fact that it's really perfect timing for them since they would have potentially had to lay someone off in my group soon anyways.

Why are wrestlers that are of far less talent than the mid-card wrestlers in the main event? WQ inside?

Well Edge, Cena and Hardy deserve to be in main events but we need some fresh faces in the main event that's for sure! As far as Triple H we all know why he's in the title picture all the time and it helps Orton and Batista that they are all friends, and no I won't star you

Is John Edwards Racist or does he think Obama doesn't have a chance in Nov?

Edwards says now that Obama is the presumtive nominee that he is not interested in the VP job. Yet he was when John Kerry was running so it's not like he hasn't filled that role before. He ran for Pres this year so you know he has intrest in being apart of an administration. Why for Kerry but not for Obama.

What do you see when you look outside your window?

Where do you live and do you like it.I live in Australia,on a 7 acre property about 3 mins from town and 40 mins from the major city if Melbourne.Its winter here and its overcast.We get some Kangaroos and a lot of native birds and its beautiful.l like it here we have our neighbours and we can crank up the music and do other stuff without annoying anyone, we could do with a little more entertainment in town though..

Where and How can i find and buy tickets for the U2 concert in Giants stadium in September?

Where and How can i find and buy tickets for the U2 concert in Giants stadium in September? Can anyone please give me some tips and tell me how i can go about buying these two tix? thanks a ton in advance

Hows my fantasy football team?

Looks pretty good. I give it 8 out of 10. I like how you got Bryant and TO. One of them is going to excel and you can drop the other. And I don't know who Rashad Jennings is, other that pretty good.

It is said that a gas fills all the space available to it. Why doesn’t the atmosphere go off into space?

What competing factors determine the thickness of the atmosphere? What causes atmospheric pressure? Give an example of something that we could do in cl that would demonstrate that the atmosphere has pressure.

ATI Video card question. x1300 pro AGP 256mb?

I just bought this card a few weeks ago and Im concerned about its temps while running. I have a AMD64 athlon 3400 @ 2.4ghz speed. 1024mb ram and a 350watt powersupply. The PC tower gets excellent airflow and I have 3 fans blowing out air from the back. I've checked my cpu wattage with a watts calculator online and I am running well under 350watts. I think i clocked in at 265watts under full load. Thus, i know I'm not killing my powersupply. I was playing FFXI for about 1hr and 30 mins and noticed the tower was running really warm. I checked Bios and the temp was @ 53c. Is this too hot for my ATI x1300pro AGP 256mb card? Will it cause damage?

Pleasde help! chemistry question?

A solution of H2SO4(aq) with a molal concentration of 1.94m has a density of 1.119g/mL. What is the molar concentration of this solution?

Does this sound interesting to you?

The page consistently uses words that are semantically correct but inappropriate to the register, which makes it hard work. Simply, it reads as if the writer has swallowed a thesaurus. If you're trying to communicate that the character is boring then I think it succeeds well -- perhaps a little *too* well.

Cooks in the navy?

how bad is it really? i hear it really suxs. im in dep and wonderin if i should get out if this is the case since my rate is a cook.

Should I be nervous about being a witness in Court?

Hi and hope you're having a good day. I've just recieved a letter stating that I may have to appear in court as a witness. In March of this year,a driver overtook mine and several other cars on a bend in a country road. Several minutes later,i saw his car and a man,dead in front of it. Something I'll remember forever. I gave a statement about the way this guy was driving. And now that i may be called in as a witness scares me. It's been so long. The case wont be in the Crown Court until possiblx early next year.What if i'm grilled down to the last detail? Will they pick me apart? Find fault with me and my statement? Or are English courts less harsh than the American ones portrayed on the telly? I do have a witness support person but i'd just like to see what you have to say first to calm my nerves. :-( xx Sarah

The new Terminator movie Terminator Salvation ?

So do you think the new terminator movie is going to be good. Do you think Christian Bale will play a good role.

Can someone help me find the name of these cookies?

I remember these either animal crackers or animal cookies from when i was little, but cant remember the name or brand. They were coated in chocolate with little round sprinkles, and the mascot on the box was either a brown dog, or a brown kangaroo. I used to get them in the 1990's around 1995-1997. Please help, i really would like to have them again. lol.

PCOS ladies, Have this ever happened to anyone before?

Well you are really late, try taking a test. If positive, try another to make sure. Then call the doctor for a BLOOD TEST and ultrasound. If still no sign of baby, then you should talk to your doctor about your cycle. I hoep all the best. GL.

Monday, August 8, 2011

What laptop would you buy for gaming and style?

I can tell you that your first choice is defiantly a gaming laptop. Your second choice seems to be more of a business laptop. I would go for the first choice hands down! Good Luck and Game On!! :D

Is the obama administration the only administration that sue States?

I seen on the news about 5AM when i woke up in the middle of the night that the Federal Government sued Arizona over the immigration law. They say the Federal Government will sue the state of California if Proposition 19 pes. Is this the first time in history when the federal government sues states?

Can anyone recommend a good online or freeware room booking system?

This online appointment booking site might be the one you needed but currently the site is under construction for they are adding some cool features a href="" rel="nofollow"

Wouldn't most liberal males say that Kevin Jennings is a real man's-man and the type who has a real finger on?

the pulse of what American liberals want? Isn't he a real liberal hero? Or is he, as I suspect, just another piece of Obama-appointed filth?

How did LADY MACBETH change in ACT 3?!?!?!?

I'm looking for quotes showing lady macbeth changing in act 3. And also what each quote means. Please Help!!! I really don't understand the book! Thank you...

Britney circa 2000 vs. Megan Fox circa 2009?

Britney Spears....She was pretty hot back then..She was so fit looking...Britney is still cute today

How long does it take for the roots of a felled hard-wood tree to die & start to decay?

I ask because the tree's roots had lifted the tarmac all around by about 3 - 5cm and I'm wondering how many years it will be before the roots start to shrink & decay to let the tarmac go back into place! It's a 30year old maple in a sandy soil.

What do you think of this teaser trailer of a NASCAR interior in Gran Turismo 5?

It looks really good. I hope they update the paint schemes to the 2010 ones instead of the 2009 ones that they have in now. And the drivers too.

Is getting leg waxed painfull?

It burns more than anything and I feel bad for you. Go to the parlor and have them do it cause those girls are young and they'll probly make it last longer than you'll want it too, lol. It is bearable if its done quick and a professional wont laugh at you while your having it done. Good luck and enjoy your smooth legs. =P

Who should I add?

I have Manny Ramirez, Alex Rios, Geoff Jenkins, Jose Guillen, Jeremy Hermida, and David DeJesus as my outfielders and Jenkins in a pending trade. Im thinking of picking up Mike Cameron or Reggie Willits and I know they have turned it on lately. so who should I take, if any?

Good male friend now has a girlfriend: Should I let him go, communication-wise?

you have to understand that in a friendship when one starts dating its not the same anymore! its reasonable that now that he has a gf he doesn't talk to u that much! thats just how it is! but if u were a real friend just stay by! don't erase him from ur life u never knw this new girl might not work and he'll be back to talking to you!!! if he doesn't talk to u at all then maybe u should just delete him!! just cuz he has a gf doesn't mean he can't even say hi once in a while!!!

I just saw this weird spider on my shower wall and I did this.What was that?

I was showering and then I see thos black thing so I splashed some water on it.Then it started moving so I ran out and opened all of the windows thinking that maybe it will leave but it didnt.So then I putted on my pj's and a paper bag on top as well as some gloves big shoes and a hat then I took a book and covered it with a towel ans I smashed the thing but it was still alive and moving so I jumpred on it with my body!

Who will win the super bowl Green Bay or Pittsburgh?

Don't just say what team give a good reason why. I am going to place a bet. The packers are favored by 1.


got ur attention for yet another heath question..more of an opinion....obviously the acting portion of the dark knight and the joker was ridiculious in itself but..did anyone take into account the fact that he had to work over his australian accent....that just puts it all over the top for me ....anyone agreee?

Am I confusing friendliness with flirting?

This guy from school randomly decides he wants to get to know me so he IMs me and we talk. He tells me that I'm pretty and smart and flirts with me. I know he was flirting b/c during part of one our IMing convos he goes "i guess my flirting isn't as good as [insert name here]." He's seems like a decent guy & when we have texted and IMed we've talked for hours so yeah i kinda like him. It's like every guy i take an interest in is a flirt. If he's just a flirt i feel stupid for wanting to talk to him & sitting around hoping he might IM or text me. This isn't the first time this has happened to me & i'm tired of it.

Help finding this song!?

Help me find this song please! Been searching for ages! It's an RnB song by a black male artist, cant really remember the lyrics (sorry!)..but its basically about this guy saying he loves this woman (he's talking to her in the song), but she's with someone else...and he says he can love her better than him (the other guy) or he can love her best, something like that...the video was shot in black and white. It starts off with the guy meeting his girl friend at some sidewalk, catching up, and just when things start to get good, her phone rings and it's presumably her boyfriend...please help me! It's been driving me crazy!

Do you think Christians have finally stood up and say We will be Silenced no more- As they see America?

I think that most of the real christians staying home in Nov, and allowing the far left to win the whitehouse, will open up a lot of eyes. and who knows maybe the next time they will pick a better candidate.

Why don't more Mexicanos try and learn Nahuatl?

Many people think it's a dead and outdated language, but I think it's important to study the language if you really want to be in touch with your roots. Also the number system is very complex and requires you to multiply and add numbers as you count; so Aztec kids who were first learning to count were being taught higher mathematics at the same time. Quite an advanced culture I have to say.